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Here is a description and a visual overview of our events and the pathway you can follow through them.

Kinky Tantra

Amsterdam Weesperzijde - see email

There is this juicy ground where the fields of (neo-)tantra and kink overlap. An all-inclusive space where polarity has nothing to do with gender, but all with power, intention, and consent. This fiery mix of playfulness and mindfulness may just bring you that little nudge of empowerment and surrender you have been looking for, or […]

Show ‘N Tell ‘N Then Try Pleasure Practicum with Reid Mihalko (USA) & Wilrieke Sophia (NL)

Utrecht Kanaalweg - see email

Show ‘N Tell ‘N Then Try Pleasure Practicum with Wilrieke and Reid (All Genders) !!! This day contains explicit demos and the option to practice explicitly. Prerequisites for Attendance: You must have attended at least 1 Red Play Party of Wilrieke’s or a Reid-facilitated play party (no exceptions!). You can buy your ticket with one […]