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Rock the Lockdown!

27/10/2020 @ 14:00 - 01/07/2021 @ 23:30 CET

Winter is coming and so is the second wave of lockdown. Not a thing to look forward to. Unless we Rock the Lockdown!
Join me on an adventure until spring for togetherness, workshops delivered at home, book readings, sharing circles, and other community events. We will be navigating intimacy in many ways!
You may not be able to see friends and come to workshops and play parties like usual. But that doesn’t mean you need to be lonely.
Rock the Lockdown is an initiative that combines the possibilities of online hosted events with the closeness of people you can actually touch.
❧ workshops delivered to your living room! Invite some friends over if you can, grab your partner, a housemate (even join alone!) and I’ll guide you from behind my laptop. Interactive workshops like we have never done them before!
❧ guided meditations to listen to any time, both relaxing and explorative.
❧ book readings from my never-published book, which is a highly erotic story of a young and shy girl turning into a powerful woman through the realms of Tantra, BDSM, and non-monogamy.
❧ reading articles originally posted on my blog – now in audio format ánd with my own comments.
❧ a gathering of like-minded people to share with.
❧ a place to find buddies for what it is you long for (daily check-ins, nature walks, cuddles, FWB).
❧ a 30-day self-love practice that you can do at your own pace.
❧ planned and spontaneous video-sharing circles.
❧ exciting explorations like shamanic bondage, polarity play, and loving your inner sadist.
❧ themed Q&A sessions with me about e.g. non-monogamy, conscious parenting, or herbs.
❧ lots of surprises!
Rock the Lockdown is a combination of offerings I have for you, as well as an organic process customized to your needs. You let me know what it is you want to receive, and I will listen.
▶ we have long months ahead of us. Rock the Lockdown is a place for moving through this together while having a lovely time.
▶ this is not yet another online workshop. This is a place of experiential learning, hanging out together, choosing what you feel like receiving.
▶ unique content! Like a centrally led live cuddle workshop brought straight into your living room and that of others anywhere in the world.
Rock the Lockdown is sexy, fun, deep, and most of all: together.
✓ Rock the Lockdown starts now and lasts until April 1st, all the way into spring.
✓ You can join anytime before April 1st!
You sign up by buying a ticket that matches your financial situation. This the entrance fee you pay for access. It’s priced in different tiers, designed to match all budgets. This is the price you pay for entrance >
✓ Each month I will invite you to make a donation (you decide how much) that you feel your participation was worth.
– Did you not participate in anything or you have no cash to spare? Then donate nothing.
– Did you get a lot of value? Then give more. This way you are supporting me in creating content and making a living in these times.
✓ After getting your entrance ticket you sign up for our specially designed closed Facebook group that includes a schedule of events. You find the link to this group on the ticket page or search ‘Rock the Lockdown!’ on Facebook.
✓ All previously created content will be available in the Facebook Group until April 1st – it doesn’t matter when you join!


27/10/2020 @ 14:00 CET
01/07/2021 @ 23:30 CET
Event Categories:
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Exploring Deeper
Cuddle Workshops International