by Wilrieke | Jan 24, 2025 | Attachment Dynamics, Call-Out, Courage & Fear, Dealing with Trauma, Emotions & Insecurity, Relationships
Space between people feels different as a recovering codependent. I’ve always identified as anxiously attached and insecure in relationships. And although I’ve been on a path of recovery for years, I can still fall into those patterns. However, I am changing,...
by Wilrieke | Jan 24, 2025 | Attachment Dynamics, Call-Out, Courage & Fear, Emotions & Insecurity, Non Monogamy, Polyamory & Open Relating, Relationships
Embracing ‘being in the now’ and ‘honoring where we are on our path’ are practices most of us have encountered around personal growth and wealth. But how does that work when we apply that to relationships? I’m realizing I’m still...
by Wilrieke | Jan 24, 2025 | Attachment Dynamics, Call-Out, Relationships
I used to think that all those surges of adrenaline and drama in my relationships meant something real was happening—that I was growing, or that the relationship itself was inherently meaningful. In reality, I now recognize that my attachment style was playing a big...
by Wilrieke | Aug 29, 2024 | Attachment Dynamics, Gender & being queer, Non Monogamy, Polyamory & Open Relating, Relationships
I’m thinking about relating a lot lately. How I grew up with the idea that success was being with one person for a long time, preferably doing things in the ‘right’ order, and showing up together in ways that are expected. Some relations beyond that...
by Wilrieke | Aug 29, 2024 | Attachment Dynamics, Courage & Fear, Dealing with Trauma, Emotions & Insecurity, Nervous System and Trauma
I’m thinking about being in uncomfortable positions. Whether it’s in yoga or relationships or elsewhere. I guess there are basically two options: 1. Moving away. Getting out of the position and not going back. From an insecure place this can be avoidance,...
by Wilrieke | Aug 29, 2024 | Attachment Dynamics, Courage & Fear, Dealing with Trauma, Emotions & Insecurity, Nervous System and Trauma, Relationships
It’s easy to think, once on the path of self-realization, the workshops, the books, the therapy, to believe that everything that ripples our waters ‘needs fixing’. And yes, there is a lot with fixing that makes not only our lives happier and easier,...